Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Undocumented America Flu"

Let's be Politically Correct here folks. We don't want to offend anyone now, would we? I've pondered this for a while. Let's see. We can't call it "Swine Flu" because that might offend Islamo-Fascist terrorists. We can't call it "Mexican Flu" because that might offend Illegal Immigrants. If we call it "Latin American Flu" we'll just piss off Fidel Castro (who, incidentally banned all travel between Cuba and Mexico) and any number of tin-horn, meat packing glitterati. I got it! Let's call it "Undocumented American Flu"!

Why can't Obama be just like Fidel Castro and show that he actually has the cojones to seal off the border with Mexico? Oh, wait! Obama is just like Castro, only without the cojones. Obama wouldn't know what cojones were in English or Spanish.


It's also nice to know that at least one major news network isn't sucking up to Der Führer Obama:

Fox News Statement (as it appears in Ben Smith's Blog @ Politico.com):

The Fox Broadcasting Company will not air the Presidential News Conference on Wednesday, April 29 at 8:00 PM (ET) . Fox's sister networks, Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network, will air the press conference in its entirety. Fox will be alerting viewers with an onscreen graphic at the top of the 8:00 PM (ET) hour that the press conference is available on Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network.

Instead, at that time, Fox News will air a program titled "Lie to Me". How apropos and accurate concerning the lies issuing forth from that sewer we call Obama's mouth.

In all fairness, Fox News also, according to Ben Smith (and this is a verified fact) did the same thing to Bush during the prime-time slot.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of seeing Obama's ugly mug all over the TV?

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