Wednesday, April 22, 2009

King Obama The Flaccid: Shooting Pool With a Piece of Rope.

Obama, in a flaccid attempt to further screw national security and aid and abet Islamo-Fascist terrorism is bashed for being a treasonous wimp by Dick Cheney: "Cheney: Obama Should Quit Apologizing."

How limp can Obama get? The Obama Presidency thus far reminds me of Jimmy Carter at a biker bar trying to shoot pool with a piece of rope.

Now for the real kicker - Obama wants to give the USA a 'facelift' to improve America's image. Oh, for the love of God! This guy has his head so far up his arse he can't tell whether or not it's night or day.

In another interesting item, Freddie Mac CFO and Obama toadie Dave Kellermann offed himself (or was he purged?). A spokesman for Freddie Mac claims that Freddie Mac "knows of no connection between this personal tragedy and the ongoing regulatory inquiries discussed in our recent SEC filings." Yeah, right.

"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." ------ Otto von Bismarck

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