Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama: Witch Hunter General (and you thought McCarthy was a kook?)

I hate to be inflammatory........Oh, wait a minute, yes I do!

First of all, McCarthy was spot-on right about the Communists (as we can see with the ascension of the likes of The Obama-Christ). But that's beside the point. Here comes the next witch hunt that will criminalize policy differences or any criticism with the Obama National Socialist Regime.

Read this and decide for yourself: Girls Democrats Gone Wild. It's just a matter of time Obama makes the Republican party and all other parties illegal and we have a one-party system of ObamaCommies and nothing else. Germany didn't see it coming, why should we? Hitlery Clinton chimes on on the matter. What an ignorant lamp throwing witch. Utterly pathetic, she is.

In and ultimate act of censorship, Obama and his Obamunists want to sieze control over the airwaves, rape the Right to Free Speech and silence all opposition to the Christ-Obama or Satan-Obama as you choose to call it: Silencing Talk Radio.

There is no word but the word that proceedeth from the mouth of Obama. Anyone who disagrees will be sent off to Obamaschwitz and their carbon footprint will be billed back to their families.

And in a wonderful come-uppance, Über Bitch Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is getting raked over the coals by veterans and (of all people) Canadians: Napolitano Draws Calls for Resignation After Blaming Canada for 9/11 Attack. What the hell was she thinking?! Not much, I suspect, if anything.

1066 AD: The Norman Conquest - It's all George Bush's Fault.

Wake up America, we are on the path to National Socialism. Speak out now before no one is left to speak out for you.

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