Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Believe in the Constitution? If you do, the Maryland National Guard Says You Are A Terrorist

If you have a copy of the US Constitution and/or your attended a "TEA Party" in protest of the Obama Regime raping America with life sucking taxes, then the Maryland National Guard says you are a Domestic Terrorist.

I received from a member of the Maryland Army National Guard a copy of a document that was sent out to all MDNG staff that is quite frightening. This "Memo" was listed as "UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U/FOUO)" Here is the text of the "memo":


13620 Meuse Argonne Circle
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation
Reisterstown, Maryland 21136

JFHQ-MDARNG-G3 9 April 2009


SUBJECT: Planned TEA Party Protests (FPCON Advisory 09-004)

1. (U) This Maryland Army National Guard (MDARNG) Force Protection advisory is in response to a nationwide planned protest activities scheduled for April 15, 2009. Although there is no known direct threat to MDNG facilities and MDNG members, they may become a target of opportunity during plan protest activities throughout Maryland.


a. (U) USNORTHCOM FPCON baseline for the continental United States, Alaska, and Canada remains unchanged at ALPHA.

b. (U) MDARNG is not recommending a FPCON baseline change at this time.

3. (U//FOUO) SITUATION: Numerous entities have formed recently to express displeasure/anger over recent federal/state government actions: more taxes, increased spending, higher deficits, a surge of borrowing to pay for it all, bailout of the financial institutions, and etc. This movement can be identified by different variations of “TEA Party” or “Tea Party.” Past “TEA Party” events have been peaceful. There was a “Tea party” event at Solomons, Maryland, on March 22, 2009. “TEA” stands for “Taxed Enough Already.”

4. (U) KNOWN LOCATIONS AND EVENTS: According various websites and open source information, planned protest locations and time on April 15 in Maryland are:

*Annapolis, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Campbell Park (Dock/Boardwalk), Annapolis Harbor

*Baltimore, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, The Inner Harbor

*Bel Air, 12:00 pm, Bel Air Courthouse Plaza on Main Street

*Cecil County, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Elkton Christian Academy, 144 Appleton Road

*Frederick, 3:00 pm, City Hall then march to Winchester Hall

*Cumberland, 12:00 pm, Baltimore and Mechanic Streets

*Havre de Grace, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Tydings Park Gazebo

*Salisbury, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Downtown Salisbury

*Westminster, 6:30 pm, Legends Cafe off of Route 140 in Westminster

*Washington DC, 12:00pm-2:00pm, US Treasury Department - National Stage; 11:00am-3:00pm Lafayette Park - Grassroots Stage (not MD)


a. (U) Full-time personnel (i.e. armories) and recruiters need to be aware their surroundings. Contact local law enforcement when feel threaten by protesters or protesters trespass into MDNG property.

b. (U//FOUO) Commanders at all levels should establish relationship with local police in order to understand the local threats. Keep family members informed. Talk to other service personnel to share information. Practice OPSEC. Don’t provide personal information to anyone you don’t know. Avoid high risk areas.

c. (U//FOUO) Commanders are encouraged to update alert rosters and review emergency evacuation plans/rally points. Ensure all facilities have emergency phone lists posted (i.e. FBI, FIRE, POLICE, HOSPITALS, EMS, ETC…). Be aware of and avoid local protests. Report all potential protest activities to your next higher headquarters.

d. (U//FOUO) Continue implementation of RAM and a review of policies and procedures, especially in regards to cooperation or assistance with local emergency responders.

5. POC is Antiterrorism Program Coordinator, –[redacted- at (410) 702-[redacted] or by e-mail [redacted]@us.army.mil
[Redacted LTC author's name]


Apparently this leaked document was also sent to the website Southern Maryland Online (where the validity of said document has been varified) and plethora of other news and public interest media.

Since the government of The State of Maryland has labeled the US Constitution "political paraphernalia", it is clear that government statist-fascist drones obviously fear the US Constitution and all patriots who believe in the US Constitution. Did you ever think you would live to see the US Constitution to be determined by the government to be a dangerous and subversive document? This is only the beginning. I suspect that the Obama Youth will be indoctrinating our children in the near future.

The sad part is that the Republican Party (after neutering itself by abandoning the conservative principles of smaller government, libertarian ideals and reduced taxes) is silent on issues like this. On a positive point, this is a call to action for conservatives.

All conservatives need to band together, become activists and retake not only the Republican Party, but retake America and reestablish common sense government. When is America going to wake up to the impending National Socialist agenda of the Obama Regime?

It is all to easy to forget that the people of Germany didn't see it coming when Hitler torpedoed the Weimar Republic and the similarities to the way that Obama is torpedoing United States right now. It's happening right now yet the American People are just as blind as the Germans were as to what is happening.

To those of you who read this blog: stand up now, pass this along to other Constitutional Insurgents and Patriots and work to wake up America before it is too late.

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