Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Deadly Disease Coming to a Neighborhood Near You (and probably your neighborhood)

I don't want to offend the Political Correctness crowd......oh, wait a minute! Yes I do!

Where's the effing border fence we were promised and paid for with our money?

In another blunder and hopefully unintended consequence of the limp, illegal immigrant friendly open border policy of the United States, we are now possibly facing a new import from Mexico: A New Deadly Strain of Swine Flu.

68 people are dead in Mexico and more than 1000 people in Mexico are infected by this new strain of the disease. Now it's showing up in Kansas, California and New York. In all fairness, border security needs to tightened up in and out of the US - both directions. I'm sure there are diseased that Mexico doesn't want imported from the US although I can't name any off hand.

Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against Mexicans or anyone else for that matter. What I am against is having a border like a sieve through which people can pass without so much as a 'by your leave' to prevent pandemics and epidemics, or terrorist attacks (epidemics that I am sure will occur with the destructive Obama Regime's inherent stupidity).

I also have no problem with the free passage of people across the boarders as long as they do it legally and don't bring any diseases with them (or bombs). If you can't control your borders, then you have lost your national sovereignty and you may as well hang it up and call it quits as a nation.

Of course the Neo-Communists who call themselves Democrats and Liberals (and a smathering of some middle of the road arse-holes so-called Republicans like McCain, Bush, Lapdog Lindsey Grahamnesty who just love illegals) might say it's unfair that we don't have our fair share of nasty diseases here in America and that's so unfair to all those exploited third-world sh*t holes but I don't give a crap. Seal up the borders tighter than a drum and expel anyone who is here illegally. What the Hell, Mexico does exactly that. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Anyone for some Dengue Fever? See: Dengue Fever in The US and Dengue Fever Fact Sheet from the CDC.

Am I guilty of fear mongering? Yes, I am and America had better be very afraid of the diseases that slip over our border unchecked due to almost non-existant enforcement of border security.

And every President from Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter to date can be blamed for this upcoming fiasco.

Personal Message To The US Government: Enforce the effing immigration laws you frigging idiots.

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