Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama's Brownshirts Shut Down Tancredo Speech at UNC With Violence

Obama supporters are acting more like Hitler's Brownshirts more and more each day. In this incident they used violence to shut down a Tom Tancredo event at the University of North Carolina. Obama's Brownshirts chucked a brick through the winder after a Nazi-Style 'heckler's veto' failed to silence opposition to illegal immigration.

Watch the video of Obama's Brownshirts (his supporters) act like little dime-store Nazis to silence free speech in America:

Look for more of these Nazi Tactics by Obama and his supporters bring Kristallnacht to your home town (and your home if they get their way) as they use violence to silence any opposition to the Obamassiah. Heil Obama! Damned National Socialist, Obama is.

It seems that a Right Wing college group is seriously pissing off the Neo-Marxists on college campuses. Bravo, I say!

The Youth for Western Civilization bills itself with the following quote:

"This is our culture -- fight for it.
This is our flag -- pick it up.
This is our country -- take it back."
-- Congressman Tom Tancredo"

It's about time that the conservative youth speak up to preserve and promote the Western Heritage and Values of the United States of America.

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