Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Death of Free Speech Under the Obama Administration, Part 1

Well, folks, it looks like Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union is what is in store for America. If your religion prohibits and/or condemns homosexuality, you will soon be guilty of a "hate crime". Heil Obama!

Think that's bad? How about Obama's plan to silence free speech with a Fairness Doctrine for the Internet? Oh, read on: "Extending the 'fairness doctrine' to the internet'"

Apparently Josef Stalin Obama Hitler doesn't think the Internet is democratic enough because users can actually choose what they don't want to look at! Heil Hope!

Read: Obama Censorship

Better speak out now folks because if Obama and his Gestapo get their way, freedom of speech will be a thing of the past and any opposition to Obama's National Socialism will be criminalized. But if you do speak out, you may find yourself in a FEMA 'resettlement camp' where free thinkers will be used as a 'green alternative fuel'.

Heil Obama!


Question: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Answer: In the US illegally and spreading Swine Flu!

Damned, that was tasteless and offensive!

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