Wednesday, April 15, 2009

If you don't agree with Obama - Government says you're a terrorist

Wake up America. Your own government is targeting you as an enemy of the state.

That's right. Oppose abortion? Own a gun? War veteran? Well, then the US Government views you as a terrorist threat.

I attended a "Tea Party" today (one of about 500 across the nation) and let me tell you, real patriots are pissed. 100 days and already people are sick and tired of The Emperor Zero.

We haven't seen such a spontaneous (even the Communist News Network - CNN cannot deny what is happening) mass protests since the American Revolution or The War of Northern Aggression. There is a growing movement by real American Patriots who are simply irate at the path to Marxism that Obama is dragging this nation down. Remember, 50% of this nation does not support Obama or his Neo-Castro-Marxist agenda. America is teetering on the brink.

Governor Rick Perry of Texas says Texans may want to secede from The Union.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. ------ Thomas Jefferson

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