Friday, May 8, 2009

The Left and Right Join Forces - Update to Last Blog Entry

Update: (Fox News, Friday, May 08, 2009) "Mom Outraged by Son's Arrest Reportedly Knew of His Web Stardom for Phone Threats...Bloggers on both the left and right of the political spectrum had come to the boy's defense, calling him a victim of government oppression, prompting the U.S. Attorney's office to issue a statement Thursday refuting the mother's claim".

This has got to scare the ever-loving bejeezus out of the Obama Regime when the political right and left join forces and the Feds have to issue a formal denial. What did Otto von Bismarck say? Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.”

In keeping with the US Constitution, I will presume the kid and his mother innocent until proven otherwise - something the Feds will not presume. This may just be a case of an ad hominem attack to bolster a non-existant case against a 16 year old. Remember, Uncle Adolf did the same thing against his foes to set an example in order to intimidate those who saw through his vicious agenda.

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