Friday, May 1, 2009

Defense Secretary Gates is a Total Wimp in The Best Jimmy Carter Tradition - He's Also a Total Idiot Who Has No Clue.

On a more interesting note, Defense Secretary Gates is a complete pussy in the failed tradition of Jimmy Carter: "Bomb Iran, they'll still get a nuke". I'd like to let Sec. Gates know that he is dead wrong, or rather he's wrong and we'll all be dead because he's wrong.

An Open Letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates:

Dear Secretary Gates,

I firmly believe that you are absolutely wrong when you say bombing Iran won't stop them from getting nuclear weapons. If you had ever taken the time to read von Clausewitz of Jomine you would actually know this. In fact, it points to the possibility that you are actually incapable of reading anything considering that if you actually had read von Clausewitz or Jomine you would never had made such and ignorant and obtuse statement as to the effectiveness of a military strike against Iran to stop their nuclear weapons program.

First of all, do you understand the purpose of war, Mr. Gates? Obviously not, so let me refresh your memory: the purpose of war is to render the enemy incapable of continuing resistance. To reduce this to a level even you can understand, let me quote Mr. Rush Limbaugh who so eloquently stated this fact - "the purpose of war is to kill people and break things". Get it now?

If you hit Iran with an air strike that destroys their infrastructure (as well as the nuclear targets), and when I say infrastructure I mean bridges, highways, railways, farmlands, hydroelectric dams and power generation plants, industrial facilities, communications, defense systems, ports, etc., you put Iran in a very precarious position.

The results of properly applied military principles that have existed for centuries will result in the following:

1.) You render them incapable of supporting their war effort and aggressive projects by destroying the physical plant of such activities.

2.) You totally deny them Command, Communications and Control.

3.) You deny them the revenue to continue such projects.

4.) By destroying critical infrastructure you deny them the very existence of their nation.

5.) You freeze any and all Iranian assets you can lay hands on. In fact, you simply take those assets you can to pay off all this idiotic spending by Obama and his National Socialist Democrats.

6.) You deliver Iran into a total state of national poverty whereby they will suffer revolution when they can't feed their slaves, excuse me, population. They won't have the money to feed their people, conduct government or defense let alone pay for nuclear weapons. Not even the Russians and Chinese are stupid enough to fork over nukes to Iran without cash up front.

In case you grow spineless over such a brutal statement of the facts and the suffering that the people of Iran would have to endure you have to remember the following:

1.) Iran wants to wipe us out.

2.) No government, no matter how oppressive or brutal, can exist without the support (voluntary or coerced) of the people they lord over.

3.) If any citizen of an enemy state (or non-state actor) is stupid enough to to support a terrorist Islamo-Fascist regime like Iran, they need to be exterminated. No supporters, no resistance.

4.) (Most Important) The enemy wants us dead. That means they want you, me and everyone but them DEAD. What don't you understand about that, you appeasing idiot? The very fact that Iran wants to murder us all means they are rabid animals and no one in their right mind hesitates to shoot a rabid animal that threatens. Killing rabid animals, like killing rabid terrorists is an act of mercy that saves lives - yours, mine and our children's lives.

Let's put it this way - if the US doesn't do it, Isreal (which the Obama Regime has hung out to dry and which Obama has abandoned in favor of appeasing terrorist Islamo-Fascist regimes and groups) will do it in one fell swoop. And I, for one, will cheer if Israel turns Iran into glowing green glass.

You and King Barry fail to see that appeasement leads to war. Can you say Neville Chamberlain? I knew you could.

Get off your arse and act like a mensch, you effing gutless wonder.

Total Disregards,

A Concerned US Citizen and Constitutional Insurgent.

P.S.: Why don't you grow a pair and do what needs to be done? Jackass.

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