Sunday, May 24, 2009

Guns Don't Kill People, Pizza Kills People - Washington DC Cracks Down on Pizza! (You can't make this crap up)

And just when you thought America couldn't get any worse...

And they want statehood for Washington, DC? Give me a break. Washington, DC (District of Criminals) is run by a bunch of fargin' idiots: From the AP (Associate Press Obama), May 4, 2009: WASHINGTON — A D.C. Council member is proposing legislation to crack down on selling pizza slices in a northwest neighborhood.

God help us all. Not only do the Lefties want to exterminate pizza, they also want to pad the Socialist Party, er, excuse me, The Democrat National Socialist Workers' Party with another two DemoCommie in the Senate and a few more in the House of Representatives.

Don't Tread On My Pizza!

Uh...don't we have more important things to get down to than banning pizza? Perhaps something like Secession?

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