Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Obama Regime Uses Patriot Act to Suspend Civil Liberties and Due Process, Habeas Corpus

You think that what happened in Nazi Germany can't happen in America? Well, you are absolutely wrong. The Obama Regime pulls a National Socialist Brown Shirt thug action on a 10th grader who is home schooled. The 16 year-old was seized by federal and local authorities in the wee hours of the morning and has been held virtually incommunicado, without due process and in violation of the US Constitution as per habeas corpus.

Read more on this from Worldnetdaily.com: Homeland Insecurity.

Yet another prime example of the road the Obama Regime is taking America down. Goodbye Life, Liberty and Property; Hello Bolshevik Marxism. Be careful what you say and think... Jesus Obama and the Though Police are watching you.

If you don't think the Obama's Brown Shirts won't come for you, just express an opinion opposing Obama about three months from now (after he silences opposing opinions via a back-door 'Fairness Doctrine').

Nazi Germany is coming to America folks and you had better prepare to submit to His Holy Highness Lord Obama or it's off to the ovens for you.

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