Monday, May 25, 2009

Obama Leading The World to a Nuclear Holocaust

Well, it looks like Obama is leading the world to a Nuclear Holocaust as we speak:

North Korea lights up a nuclear bomb

First Israel will get nuked by Iran...

Israel says Venezuela, Bolivia supplying Iran with Uranium - also read "The Death of Israel"

And, Obama can't find his testicles...

Obama sits on his arse and tells North Korea, 'don't set off nuclear bombs or we'll tell you not to set off nuclear bombs again'.

Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like an effing genius.

We are witnessing the death of Western Civilization and the rise of Global Islamic Fascism with the help and blessing of The ObamaChrist. Perhaps Obama thinks it's only fair to get us all nuked so that Extremist Islamic 'civilization' proponents (like Obama) can have their turn at dominating the world, forcing women to wear face masks, and slaughtering millions who refuse to smell the camel dung?

OK, that was ethnocentric and possibly racist for me to say, but it's the truth.

God help us all

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