Friday, April 17, 2009

A Poster Child for the Pro Choice Crowd

The Pro-Abortion Kill The Children crowd have found a new hero in the personage of a Boston, Massachusetts woman by the name of Fang Chi Xue. This worthless piece of human garbage will surely be held up by the pro-infanticide Pro Choice crowd as a model to be worshiped.

38-year-old Fang Chi Xue did will probably get her an appointment to the Obama Cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services, that is if she isn't a tax deadbeat like the rest of Obama's cabinet members.

Fang Chi Xue carried 'abortion rights' to the ultimate extreme (and probably praised by the Obama Regime for her heroic actions) by:

1.) Killing her 9-year-old daugher (post natal abortion)

2.) Trying to strangle her 14 year old daughter (post natal abortion)

3.) Then stabbing herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child. (post natal/prenatal abortion).

Read the whole story for yourself:
Poster Child for The Pro-Choice Critters

I'll bet you $5 she's a registered member of the Democrat Party and another $5 she's got a "Yes We Can" Obama campaign sticker on the back of her environmentally friendly automobile.

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