Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Debt Day! Obama Outspends Available Revenue in Record Time!

It's the earliest "Debt Day" ever in US history all because Obama and the DemoCommies are spending the bucks faster than a Horn Dog with a credit card in a whorehouse!

For those of you who don't know what "Debt Day" is, it is the date at which point the government spends all existing revenue and sinks into deficit spending. Last year, under Bush "Debt Day" occurred on August 5. This year The Messiah Obama upped the anty to this Sunday, April 26, 2009. I suppose Obama will blame his insane spending spree and squandering of YOUR money on George Bush. Yeah, the Devil made him do it. Grow up, Obama and get a real life you communist spendthrift.

In another attempt to destroy what is left of America, Obama will bankrupt the country with his National Socialist ObamaCare socialized medical. See: Universal ObamaCare: Will It Bankrupt America?

Now, do you really want to loose your cool? Department of Homeland Security (Heimatsicherheitdienst...Sig Heil!) Chief Janet Napolitano says Illegal Imigration is Not A Crime. What the Hell doesn't Napolitano understand about the word illegal? Under NaziPolitano's line of logic one could conclude that legal imigration is a crime? Can you say 'stupid, leftist idiot'? I knew you could!

In a ray of hope for America, Senator Jim DeMint says that America is having 'buyer's remorse over Obama as we head down the crapper towards socialism. With all due apologies to Senator DeMint, the more accurate destination that Obama is dragging us all to would best be described as Stalinist Communism.

Did you ever think you'd live to see us end up a communist nation?

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