Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama Lied, People Died: Obama Catches Crap For Violating Security Pact With Iraq

Nice going, Barry, you effed up and proved yourself even more of an idiot than Jimmy Carter.

April 26: Al-Maliki denounced a deadly U.S. raid in Kut as a 'crime' according to and AP (Associated Press Obama) news item that appears on Fox News. Obama Lied, People Died. Could you imagine if something like this happened under the Bush Administration? Oh, but the lame-stream media will give the Messiah Obama a pass on this no doubt. I wonder if the Iraqis will put Obama on trial for crimes against humanity for this eff-up?

Here's a goody that will go down in the Book of Hypocrisy: Closing Down GITMO A Pipe Dream - Obama Will Keep GITMO Open. Moron-Jackass Attorney General Holder is pleading with EEC nations to take GITMO detainees; Europeans tell him, 'bite me!' (This story from Associate Press Obama too. Looks like the messiah's chickenz iz commin' home ta roooooost).

Funny, isn't it? Bush does something and it's bad; Obama does the same thing and it's good.

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