Thursday, April 30, 2009

Screw You, Man-Made Global Warming Advocates

Charlton Heston reading from an edited version of the chapter from Micheal Crichton's novel Jurassic Park ("Destroying The Earth"):

Charlton Heston read this speech on the Air of the Rush Limbaugh Show. He is reading an edited version of a chapter of the novel Jurassic Park, solely written by Michael Crichton. The chapter is called Destroying the World.

Remember this you liberal/communist dirtbags: Fat people cause cancer and global warming - they fart methane and exhale carbon dioxide.

My advice to liberals everywhere - Stop breathing and prevent global warming (and save the rest of us sane people from being subjected to your idiot blathering).

The Death of Free Speech Under the Obama Administration, Part 1

Well, folks, it looks like Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union is what is in store for America. If your religion prohibits and/or condemns homosexuality, you will soon be guilty of a "hate crime". Heil Obama!

Think that's bad? How about Obama's plan to silence free speech with a Fairness Doctrine for the Internet? Oh, read on: "Extending the 'fairness doctrine' to the internet'"

Apparently Josef Stalin Obama Hitler doesn't think the Internet is democratic enough because users can actually choose what they don't want to look at! Heil Hope!

Read: Obama Censorship

Better speak out now folks because if Obama and his Gestapo get their way, freedom of speech will be a thing of the past and any opposition to Obama's National Socialism will be criminalized. But if you do speak out, you may find yourself in a FEMA 'resettlement camp' where free thinkers will be used as a 'green alternative fuel'.

Heil Obama!


Question: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Answer: In the US illegally and spreading Swine Flu!

Damned, that was tasteless and offensive!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama's Brownshirts Shut Down Tancredo Speech at UNC With Violence

Obama supporters are acting more like Hitler's Brownshirts more and more each day. In this incident they used violence to shut down a Tom Tancredo event at the University of North Carolina. Obama's Brownshirts chucked a brick through the winder after a Nazi-Style 'heckler's veto' failed to silence opposition to illegal immigration.

Watch the video of Obama's Brownshirts (his supporters) act like little dime-store Nazis to silence free speech in America:

Look for more of these Nazi Tactics by Obama and his supporters bring Kristallnacht to your home town (and your home if they get their way) as they use violence to silence any opposition to the Obamassiah. Heil Obama! Damned National Socialist, Obama is.

It seems that a Right Wing college group is seriously pissing off the Neo-Marxists on college campuses. Bravo, I say!

The Youth for Western Civilization bills itself with the following quote:

"This is our culture -- fight for it.
This is our flag -- pick it up.
This is our country -- take it back."
-- Congressman Tom Tancredo"

It's about time that the conservative youth speak up to preserve and promote the Western Heritage and Values of the United States of America.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Undocumented America Flu"

Let's be Politically Correct here folks. We don't want to offend anyone now, would we? I've pondered this for a while. Let's see. We can't call it "Swine Flu" because that might offend Islamo-Fascist terrorists. We can't call it "Mexican Flu" because that might offend Illegal Immigrants. If we call it "Latin American Flu" we'll just piss off Fidel Castro (who, incidentally banned all travel between Cuba and Mexico) and any number of tin-horn, meat packing glitterati. I got it! Let's call it "Undocumented American Flu"!

Why can't Obama be just like Fidel Castro and show that he actually has the cojones to seal off the border with Mexico? Oh, wait! Obama is just like Castro, only without the cojones. Obama wouldn't know what cojones were in English or Spanish.


It's also nice to know that at least one major news network isn't sucking up to Der Führer Obama:

Fox News Statement (as it appears in Ben Smith's Blog @

The Fox Broadcasting Company will not air the Presidential News Conference on Wednesday, April 29 at 8:00 PM (ET) . Fox's sister networks, Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network, will air the press conference in its entirety. Fox will be alerting viewers with an onscreen graphic at the top of the 8:00 PM (ET) hour that the press conference is available on Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network.

Instead, at that time, Fox News will air a program titled "Lie to Me". How apropos and accurate concerning the lies issuing forth from that sewer we call Obama's mouth.

In all fairness, Fox News also, according to Ben Smith (and this is a verified fact) did the same thing to Bush during the prime-time slot.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of seeing Obama's ugly mug all over the TV?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama, The Grim Reaper...

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC: Obama's Open Border Policy puts American lives at risk from Mexican Swine Flue epidemic.

In other interesting news...

If Bush was President, we would have never heard the end of it, but Lord Obama gets a pass from the left when 91 wheelchair bound protesters are arrested in front of the White House.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tin Soldiers and Obama's Coming...

History repeats itself at Kent State, almost...not quite...but watch out beer drinkers, you might get tagged as 'right wing extremists' and an enemy of the Obama-State!

Cops use pellet guns instead of M16's. Read on: Tin Soldiers and Nixon's Obama's comin...

Thou shalt not have fun!

"You're on private property..**** YOU!"

Click Here:

It gets better...

It's all fun and games until someone looses and eye beer.

Obama Lied, People Died: Obama Catches Crap For Violating Security Pact With Iraq

Nice going, Barry, you effed up and proved yourself even more of an idiot than Jimmy Carter.

April 26: Al-Maliki denounced a deadly U.S. raid in Kut as a 'crime' according to and AP (Associated Press Obama) news item that appears on Fox News. Obama Lied, People Died. Could you imagine if something like this happened under the Bush Administration? Oh, but the lame-stream media will give the Messiah Obama a pass on this no doubt. I wonder if the Iraqis will put Obama on trial for crimes against humanity for this eff-up?

Here's a goody that will go down in the Book of Hypocrisy: Closing Down GITMO A Pipe Dream - Obama Will Keep GITMO Open. Moron-Jackass Attorney General Holder is pleading with EEC nations to take GITMO detainees; Europeans tell him, 'bite me!' (This story from Associate Press Obama too. Looks like the messiah's chickenz iz commin' home ta roooooost).

Funny, isn't it? Bush does something and it's bad; Obama does the same thing and it's good.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'll Bet This Guy Was An Obama Supporter. In fact, I'll Put Money On It!

I'll bet you that this University of Georgia at Athens professor was a Liberal, Registered Democrat and avid supporter of King Hussein Obama: Professor Sought in Shooting Near the University of Georgia That Left Three Dead (Fox News).

Look at the facts: they guy was a not only a college professor but this all somehow involves a theater group. What more need I say?

And I'll bet you $5 dollars he was an outspoken advocate for gun control (for everyone but himself, of course).

Damn. I can be so insensitive at times.

"When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Psychotic, Leftist-Liberals Will have Guns."
------ Me

A Deadly Disease Coming to a Neighborhood Near You (and probably your neighborhood)

I don't want to offend the Political Correctness crowd......oh, wait a minute! Yes I do!

Where's the effing border fence we were promised and paid for with our money?

In another blunder and hopefully unintended consequence of the limp, illegal immigrant friendly open border policy of the United States, we are now possibly facing a new import from Mexico: A New Deadly Strain of Swine Flu.

68 people are dead in Mexico and more than 1000 people in Mexico are infected by this new strain of the disease. Now it's showing up in Kansas, California and New York. In all fairness, border security needs to tightened up in and out of the US - both directions. I'm sure there are diseased that Mexico doesn't want imported from the US although I can't name any off hand.

Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against Mexicans or anyone else for that matter. What I am against is having a border like a sieve through which people can pass without so much as a 'by your leave' to prevent pandemics and epidemics, or terrorist attacks (epidemics that I am sure will occur with the destructive Obama Regime's inherent stupidity).

I also have no problem with the free passage of people across the boarders as long as they do it legally and don't bring any diseases with them (or bombs). If you can't control your borders, then you have lost your national sovereignty and you may as well hang it up and call it quits as a nation.

Of course the Neo-Communists who call themselves Democrats and Liberals (and a smathering of some middle of the road arse-holes so-called Republicans like McCain, Bush, Lapdog Lindsey Grahamnesty who just love illegals) might say it's unfair that we don't have our fair share of nasty diseases here in America and that's so unfair to all those exploited third-world sh*t holes but I don't give a crap. Seal up the borders tighter than a drum and expel anyone who is here illegally. What the Hell, Mexico does exactly that. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Anyone for some Dengue Fever? See: Dengue Fever in The US and Dengue Fever Fact Sheet from the CDC.

Am I guilty of fear mongering? Yes, I am and America had better be very afraid of the diseases that slip over our border unchecked due to almost non-existant enforcement of border security.

And every President from Jimmy "Peanut Brain" Carter to date can be blamed for this upcoming fiasco.

Personal Message To The US Government: Enforce the effing immigration laws you frigging idiots.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Debt Day! Obama Outspends Available Revenue in Record Time!

It's the earliest "Debt Day" ever in US history all because Obama and the DemoCommies are spending the bucks faster than a Horn Dog with a credit card in a whorehouse!

For those of you who don't know what "Debt Day" is, it is the date at which point the government spends all existing revenue and sinks into deficit spending. Last year, under Bush "Debt Day" occurred on August 5. This year The Messiah Obama upped the anty to this Sunday, April 26, 2009. I suppose Obama will blame his insane spending spree and squandering of YOUR money on George Bush. Yeah, the Devil made him do it. Grow up, Obama and get a real life you communist spendthrift.

In another attempt to destroy what is left of America, Obama will bankrupt the country with his National Socialist ObamaCare socialized medical. See: Universal ObamaCare: Will It Bankrupt America?

Now, do you really want to loose your cool? Department of Homeland Security (Heimatsicherheitdienst...Sig Heil!) Chief Janet Napolitano says Illegal Imigration is Not A Crime. What the Hell doesn't Napolitano understand about the word illegal? Under NaziPolitano's line of logic one could conclude that legal imigration is a crime? Can you say 'stupid, leftist idiot'? I knew you could!

In a ray of hope for America, Senator Jim DeMint says that America is having 'buyer's remorse over Obama as we head down the crapper towards socialism. With all due apologies to Senator DeMint, the more accurate destination that Obama is dragging us all to would best be described as Stalinist Communism.

Did you ever think you'd live to see us end up a communist nation?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama: Witch Hunter General (and you thought McCarthy was a kook?)

I hate to be inflammatory........Oh, wait a minute, yes I do!

First of all, McCarthy was spot-on right about the Communists (as we can see with the ascension of the likes of The Obama-Christ). But that's beside the point. Here comes the next witch hunt that will criminalize policy differences or any criticism with the Obama National Socialist Regime.

Read this and decide for yourself: Girls Democrats Gone Wild. It's just a matter of time Obama makes the Republican party and all other parties illegal and we have a one-party system of ObamaCommies and nothing else. Germany didn't see it coming, why should we? Hitlery Clinton chimes on on the matter. What an ignorant lamp throwing witch. Utterly pathetic, she is.

In and ultimate act of censorship, Obama and his Obamunists want to sieze control over the airwaves, rape the Right to Free Speech and silence all opposition to the Christ-Obama or Satan-Obama as you choose to call it: Silencing Talk Radio.

There is no word but the word that proceedeth from the mouth of Obama. Anyone who disagrees will be sent off to Obamaschwitz and their carbon footprint will be billed back to their families.

And in a wonderful come-uppance, Über Bitch Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is getting raked over the coals by veterans and (of all people) Canadians: Napolitano Draws Calls for Resignation After Blaming Canada for 9/11 Attack. What the hell was she thinking?! Not much, I suspect, if anything.

1066 AD: The Norman Conquest - It's all George Bush's Fault.

Wake up America, we are on the path to National Socialism. Speak out now before no one is left to speak out for you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

King Obama The Flaccid: Shooting Pool With a Piece of Rope.

Obama, in a flaccid attempt to further screw national security and aid and abet Islamo-Fascist terrorism is bashed for being a treasonous wimp by Dick Cheney: "Cheney: Obama Should Quit Apologizing."

How limp can Obama get? The Obama Presidency thus far reminds me of Jimmy Carter at a biker bar trying to shoot pool with a piece of rope.

Now for the real kicker - Obama wants to give the USA a 'facelift' to improve America's image. Oh, for the love of God! This guy has his head so far up his arse he can't tell whether or not it's night or day.

In another interesting item, Freddie Mac CFO and Obama toadie Dave Kellermann offed himself (or was he purged?). A spokesman for Freddie Mac claims that Freddie Mac "knows of no connection between this personal tragedy and the ongoing regulatory inquiries discussed in our recent SEC filings." Yeah, right.

"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." ------ Otto von Bismarck

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Believe in the Constitution? If you do, the Maryland National Guard Says You Are A Terrorist

If you have a copy of the US Constitution and/or your attended a "TEA Party" in protest of the Obama Regime raping America with life sucking taxes, then the Maryland National Guard says you are a Domestic Terrorist.

I received from a member of the Maryland Army National Guard a copy of a document that was sent out to all MDNG staff that is quite frightening. This "Memo" was listed as "UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U/FOUO)" Here is the text of the "memo":


13620 Meuse Argonne Circle
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation
Reisterstown, Maryland 21136

JFHQ-MDARNG-G3 9 April 2009


SUBJECT: Planned TEA Party Protests (FPCON Advisory 09-004)

1. (U) This Maryland Army National Guard (MDARNG) Force Protection advisory is in response to a nationwide planned protest activities scheduled for April 15, 2009. Although there is no known direct threat to MDNG facilities and MDNG members, they may become a target of opportunity during plan protest activities throughout Maryland.


a. (U) USNORTHCOM FPCON baseline for the continental United States, Alaska, and Canada remains unchanged at ALPHA.

b. (U) MDARNG is not recommending a FPCON baseline change at this time.

3. (U//FOUO) SITUATION: Numerous entities have formed recently to express displeasure/anger over recent federal/state government actions: more taxes, increased spending, higher deficits, a surge of borrowing to pay for it all, bailout of the financial institutions, and etc. This movement can be identified by different variations of “TEA Party” or “Tea Party.” Past “TEA Party” events have been peaceful. There was a “Tea party” event at Solomons, Maryland, on March 22, 2009. “TEA” stands for “Taxed Enough Already.”

4. (U) KNOWN LOCATIONS AND EVENTS: According various websites and open source information, planned protest locations and time on April 15 in Maryland are:

*Annapolis, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Campbell Park (Dock/Boardwalk), Annapolis Harbor

*Baltimore, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, The Inner Harbor

*Bel Air, 12:00 pm, Bel Air Courthouse Plaza on Main Street

*Cecil County, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Elkton Christian Academy, 144 Appleton Road

*Frederick, 3:00 pm, City Hall then march to Winchester Hall

*Cumberland, 12:00 pm, Baltimore and Mechanic Streets

*Havre de Grace, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Tydings Park Gazebo

*Salisbury, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Downtown Salisbury

*Westminster, 6:30 pm, Legends Cafe off of Route 140 in Westminster

*Washington DC, 12:00pm-2:00pm, US Treasury Department - National Stage; 11:00am-3:00pm Lafayette Park - Grassroots Stage (not MD)


a. (U) Full-time personnel (i.e. armories) and recruiters need to be aware their surroundings. Contact local law enforcement when feel threaten by protesters or protesters trespass into MDNG property.

b. (U//FOUO) Commanders at all levels should establish relationship with local police in order to understand the local threats. Keep family members informed. Talk to other service personnel to share information. Practice OPSEC. Don’t provide personal information to anyone you don’t know. Avoid high risk areas.

c. (U//FOUO) Commanders are encouraged to update alert rosters and review emergency evacuation plans/rally points. Ensure all facilities have emergency phone lists posted (i.e. FBI, FIRE, POLICE, HOSPITALS, EMS, ETC…). Be aware of and avoid local protests. Report all potential protest activities to your next higher headquarters.

d. (U//FOUO) Continue implementation of RAM and a review of policies and procedures, especially in regards to cooperation or assistance with local emergency responders.

5. POC is Antiterrorism Program Coordinator, –[redacted- at (410) 702-[redacted] or by e-mail [redacted]
[Redacted LTC author's name]


Apparently this leaked document was also sent to the website Southern Maryland Online (where the validity of said document has been varified) and plethora of other news and public interest media.

Since the government of The State of Maryland has labeled the US Constitution "political paraphernalia", it is clear that government statist-fascist drones obviously fear the US Constitution and all patriots who believe in the US Constitution. Did you ever think you would live to see the US Constitution to be determined by the government to be a dangerous and subversive document? This is only the beginning. I suspect that the Obama Youth will be indoctrinating our children in the near future.

The sad part is that the Republican Party (after neutering itself by abandoning the conservative principles of smaller government, libertarian ideals and reduced taxes) is silent on issues like this. On a positive point, this is a call to action for conservatives.

All conservatives need to band together, become activists and retake not only the Republican Party, but retake America and reestablish common sense government. When is America going to wake up to the impending National Socialist agenda of the Obama Regime?

It is all to easy to forget that the people of Germany didn't see it coming when Hitler torpedoed the Weimar Republic and the similarities to the way that Obama is torpedoing United States right now. It's happening right now yet the American People are just as blind as the Germans were as to what is happening.

To those of you who read this blog: stand up now, pass this along to other Constitutional Insurgents and Patriots and work to wake up America before it is too late.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama's First Act of Treason (Well, Maybe Not His First)

Former Senator Rick Santorum, in a recent article by Jim Meyers on (see: Santorum: Obama CIA Memo Release a Betrayal; April 19, 2009), says that the Obama Administration has a "deep disdain" for traditional American values.

I wonder what those traditional American values are that the Obama Administration has "deep disdain" for? Honesty? Loyalty? Integrity? Patriotism? The Constitution? The Family? God? Hard Work? Life, Liberty, and Property? The Flag? I suspect Obama and his cohorts not only have disdain for those traditional American values but any and all of them one can imagine.

Now Uncle Barry hands the keys to the kingdom to Islamic Terrorist by exposing interrogation techniques to the enemies of Western Civilization. Isn't that giving aid and comfort to the enemy and hence treason? Article 3, section 3 of the US Constitution clearly states:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attained.

Maybe the DemoCommie Congress shall wave their magic rubber stamp and declare Obama to be President and Dictator For Life as a punishment?

Of course The Lord Obama, Communist Messiah, spiritual spawn of Stalin, will be exonerated of treason considering that no one can prove (and Obama refuses to prove) that he is a "natural born citizen" of the United States. We're still waiting for him to produce a real copy of his birth certificate (don't hold your hand over your arse waiting, folks). Didn't Hitler pull this one in 1923 when the Germans charged him with treason and he escaped the charges because he was an Austrian citizen?

I can just visualize the lefty liberals spontaneously combust in outrage at such a metaphor and it makes me feel good. It makes me feel good because I hid all the fire extinguishers.

How the Hell did this nimrod get elected?

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. ------ Josef Stalin


On the lighter side, my personal "Great Patriot Award" goes to
Carrie Prejean, Miss USA Runner-UP for her honest answer about Gay Marriage.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Tea Parties" making a dent

Looks like the Obama National Socialists are taking it right on the nose as Americans begin to wake up.

Top adviser to B. Hussein Obama and dyed in the wool jackass David Axelrod said today, "The thing that bewilders me is this president just cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people. So I think the tea bags should be directed elsewhere because he certainly understands the burden that people face."

Apparently he thinks that the anger people feel for being taxed to death by the Obama Regime and the federal government is 'misdirected'. Axelrod couldn't be more wrong - the federal government taxes people to death, the Democrats rubber stamp the legislative tyranny and then Obama says it isn't his fault. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

What Axelrod doesn't quite seem to understand is that Obama has no freaking clue as to what burden people face. Obama the millionaire lives in a mansion at tax payers' expense. Obama the millionaire is an elitist who thinks that he knows best and will reduce people to poverty to show them how he knows best. Obama the elitist wants to strip The Constitution because he thinks the Constitution is just a "Suggestion" and not the law of the land.

Well, Mr. Obama, this is one American who thinks you have got it all wrong and isn't afraid to speak out against your dictatorial rule rubber stamped by your Bolshevik Party.

Let freedom ring.

"A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference". ------ Thomas Jefferson

A special addendum! - Be sure to read the comment left by "John" for this article. I think John hits the nail on the head! Many thanks, John!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Obama Honeymoon is over for the DemoCommies

This is my take on this: Looks like Nazi Pelosi and Hairless-Arse Reid are about to get in a major fight over who is really pulling the strings of Marionette Obama while the DemoCommies gnash teeth and pull hair. Congress Returns, Obama not following the promised party line, PO's DemoCommies.

In a more interesting vein, Labor Unions sacrifice 7 million unemployed US Citizens in favor of 7 Million Illegal Alliens. Nice going, commie scumbags: Labor unions turn their backs on unemployed American workers.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Poster Child for the Pro Choice Crowd

The Pro-Abortion Kill The Children crowd have found a new hero in the personage of a Boston, Massachusetts woman by the name of Fang Chi Xue. This worthless piece of human garbage will surely be held up by the pro-infanticide Pro Choice crowd as a model to be worshiped.

38-year-old Fang Chi Xue did will probably get her an appointment to the Obama Cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services, that is if she isn't a tax deadbeat like the rest of Obama's cabinet members.

Fang Chi Xue carried 'abortion rights' to the ultimate extreme (and probably praised by the Obama Regime for her heroic actions) by:

1.) Killing her 9-year-old daugher (post natal abortion)

2.) Trying to strangle her 14 year old daughter (post natal abortion)

3.) Then stabbing herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child. (post natal/prenatal abortion).

Read the whole story for yourself:
Poster Child for The Pro-Choice Critters

I'll bet you $5 she's a registered member of the Democrat Party and another $5 she's got a "Yes We Can" Obama campaign sticker on the back of her environmentally friendly automobile.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp: What The Second Amendment Is All About

Every freedom loving American Patriot needs to watch this video. I especially want all of the anti-Second Amendment, gun-grabbing, Obama National Socialist neo-Marxists out there to watch this video. This simple testimony before our Congresscritters by Suzanna Gratia-Hupp eloquently details the importance of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. The Second Amendment is the one Constitutional Right that stands between us and Totalitarian Dictatorship at the hands of the New National Socialists that populate the Obama Regime, and they know it. It's time the American people are reminded of this right and that they know it too.

Pay special attention to the last 30 seconds of this video. It says it all.


If Thomas Jefferson was alive today, wouldt The Department of Homeland Security (Heimatsicherheitdienst) would declare him a right-wing extremist and a greater threat to national security that Islamo-Fascist terrorists? Would they track his every movement? Would they water-board him for daring to stand up for Life, Liberty and property? I'll bet they would, especially since the Obamunists are wiping their collective arse with the Constitution at this very time.

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." ------Thomas Jefferson

Wake up America.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

If you don't agree with Obama - Government says you're a terrorist

Wake up America. Your own government is targeting you as an enemy of the state.

That's right. Oppose abortion? Own a gun? War veteran? Well, then the US Government views you as a terrorist threat.

I attended a "Tea Party" today (one of about 500 across the nation) and let me tell you, real patriots are pissed. 100 days and already people are sick and tired of The Emperor Zero.

We haven't seen such a spontaneous (even the Communist News Network - CNN cannot deny what is happening) mass protests since the American Revolution or The War of Northern Aggression. There is a growing movement by real American Patriots who are simply irate at the path to Marxism that Obama is dragging this nation down. Remember, 50% of this nation does not support Obama or his Neo-Castro-Marxist agenda. America is teetering on the brink.

Governor Rick Perry of Texas says Texans may want to secede from The Union.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. ------ Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First The Banks, Then General Motors, Now Pakistan

It looks like Darth Obama is not only out to nationalize the banks and seize ownership of General Motors (Government Motors), Now he wants US ownership of Pakistan: Pakistan doesn't like the strings attached to Obama Aid Plan

Today, America - Tomorrow, The World!

Haven't we seen this before?

"History repeats itself first as a tragedy, then as a farce." ------ Karl Marx

Obama, The Paranoid - Here Comes The Insurgency!

Do you disagree with Obama? Are you anti-abortion? Are you a US military veteran? Do you believe in the 9th and 10th Amendments to the US Constitution (States Rights)? Do you believe in the Right to bear arms? Did you donate to a third party candidate like Ron Paul? Do you own a "Don't Tread on Me" flag?

Well, then according to the Lord Obama, the Anointed Emperor Zero, The Big O, you are a potential terrorist!

Read this document "Right Wing Extremists" courtesy of the website The Patriotic Resistance and the Department of Homeland Security - Heimat Sicherheitdienst (from whence the document originates and from whence it was issued).

In other items of stupidity from the Obama dis-Administration - The Messiah Obama (as his adoring drones call him) claims once again that things will get worse before they get better. Just like the planet getting colder because it's getting warmer: Obama The Clueless .

Jimmy Carter pales in comparison to B. Hussein Obama.

Wake up America. Save the Constitution. Do not surrender your liberties to the latest version of Neo-Marxism that is the Obama Administration.

God help us all.