Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goodbye Iran - Was So Good To Know Ya'!

Yupper! Iran is totally effed as Arab nations become equally fearful of a nuclear Iran...

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, said that his Government explicitly allowed passage of Israeli vessels, and an Israeli admiral said that the drills were “run regularly with the full co-operation of the Egyptians.”

Hey? How are those anti-Ayatolla riots going in Iran? You won't hear a thing about that in the Lame-Stream Media, will ya' now?

Mark my words - Iran is on the verge of a popular revolution to throw off the chains of Islamo-fascism. Of course the Government Controlled Media and the Obama Regime doesn't want the American People to realize that they too can stand up against tyranny too.

My prediction? Iran will soon be glowing green glass.

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