Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goodbye Iran - Was So Good To Know Ya'!

Yupper! Iran is totally effed as Arab nations become equally fearful of a nuclear Iran...

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, said that his Government explicitly allowed passage of Israeli vessels, and an Israeli admiral said that the drills were “run regularly with the full co-operation of the Egyptians.”

Hey? How are those anti-Ayatolla riots going in Iran? You won't hear a thing about that in the Lame-Stream Media, will ya' now?

Mark my words - Iran is on the verge of a popular revolution to throw off the chains of Islamo-fascism. Of course the Government Controlled Media and the Obama Regime doesn't want the American People to realize that they too can stand up against tyranny too.

My prediction? Iran will soon be glowing green glass.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama - Total Idiot - His teleprompter is drinking too much!

OK, Obama is an idiot. A total, tongue tied gaffing idiot. His teleprompter is obviously drinking too much!

This is funny! Enjoy!

(Then weep that this idiot is President...)

Oh, and this is even better!

What an effing moron!

Wake up America!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Obama, Fascism & GM

I got it wrong, Obama isn't really a Marxist or a Socialist - He's a Fascist/National Socialist like Mussolini and Hitler. First it's economic fascism, then it's social fascism and soon it will be off to the ovens for you! Don't doubt me. Don't make me say, "I told you so".

Either way, if you don't see it now and understand the fascist Obama Regime, you will see it later when it's too late.


Heil Obama

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

T. Boone Pickens - Total Idiot

T. Boone Pickens is tilting at windmills, yet again: Pickens Scraps Plan for Massive Wind Farm in Texas

And just to be fair, Obama is also tilting at windmills with his "green Jobs" and how they will employ millions manufacturing windmills. The only windmills that will exist are the one's in Obama's and Pickens' minds.

Maybe this guy should insert a windmill up his arse and fly off with Peter Pan?

Move over, Al Gore - another idiot has taken your crown!

Monday, July 6, 2009

GM and Obama - The Fascist - Marxist Hybrid

Well, folks, the Democrats and other leftists accused Bush of being a fascist. Well, it turns out that the real fascist is Obama.

Read: Federal bankruptcy court in Manhattan approves a plan by General Motors to sell its best assets to a new, government-backed company.

rom the linked article above:

"It might be difficult to change public perception of a company that's received $50 billion in taxpayer funds. In exchange for those funds, the government will have a 60 percent ownership stake in the "new GM." The Obama administration has said it does not plan to interfere with the day-to-day running of the company, such as where to open a plant or which dealer to close. The government has been involved in the selection of the new company's 13-member board of directors and change of control transactions."

This is, by the very dictionary definition, fascism.

Obama is doing exactly what Hitler and Mussolini did and we all know how that ended up, don't we?

Welcome to the New National Socialist Fascist States of Amerika.

Obama...Chains you will have to live with.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Israel, Saudi Arabia on Same Page as per Iran

Looks like the Saudis gave the nod to Israel to take out Iran!

Report: Saudis Give Nod to Israeli Strike on Iran

It's about time.

Saudi Arabia doesn't want a nuke armed Iran any more than Israel does. But, of course, Obama does.