Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iran's Government Sucks, Big Time...

Didn't Stalin do this to the 40 or so million people he murdered?

"An Iranian couple who lost their only son amid violent protests in Tehran say they were told they would have to pay $3,000 to recover his body -- a "bullet fee," they were told, to cover the cost of the bullet that killed him -- the Wall Street Journal reported." (Fox News)

Remember, these guys are Obama's buddies. Obama is one flaccid version of Jimmy Carter in the extreme.

Live from Iran! I hope the Ayatollah has a Mussolini Moment.

Long Live Democracy and Freedom!

Support the Iranian People even if Obama doesn't!

Help the people of Iran free their country from the thugs that rule them. Support Democracy and Freedom!

For the latest videos from Iran, click here: http://www.youtube.com/citizentube?feature=ticker

Even the other Mullahs and Ayatollahs are joining the revolt!

Read: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/06/23/iran.protest.faces/index.html

It's about time!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Update to Last Post: Pentagon Pulls "Low Level Terrorist" Question

"A Pentagon spokesman said the question failed to make clear the difference between illegal violent demonstrations and constitutionally protected peaceful protests." - Fox News

See what happens when the leftist ACLU attacks another Socialist-Marxist operation such as the Obama Regime?

Chalk up another blow for Freedom and the Constitution (even if the ACLU was involved and got it right for once)!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

There Goes The First Amendment...

Here it is folks! I warned about this back in November '08 and nobody listened...

A written exam administered by the Pentagon labels "protests" as a form of “low-level terrorism” — enraging civil liberties advocates and activist groups who say it shows blatant disregard of the First Amendment. (Fox News)

If you engage in your First Amendment rights as guaranteed by the First Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America, you are a terrorist, according to The Pentagon.

This message brought to you by the Obama Ministry of Truth.

Wake up and smell the Kafka, America.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Obama's wants for America what Ahmadinejad wants for Iran

The sweeping powers that Iran's bogusly elected "President" Ahmadinejad has enforced in Iran is exactly what Obama wants to do in America.

Read: From Fox News:

"The British Broadcasting Co. said that electronic jamming of its news report, which it said began on election day Friday, had worsened by Sunday, causing service disruptions for BBC viewers and listeners in Iran, the Middle East and Europe. It said it had traced the jamming of the satellite signal broadcasting its Farsi-language service to a spot inside Iran."

Think I'm kidding about Obama's plans for censorship? Guess again...

Read: Obama's Censorship Gestapo Bitch-slaps Pittsburg, PA's KDKA

Read: First, it's off to the Re-education Camps with Rush Limbaugh, then YOU are next unless you stand up against the National Socialist/Fascist Obama Regime.

Read: Obama Censorship Bans TV Station


Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Obama Death Care Plan is in The Works...

Oh, I can't wait until Obama inserts his Health Death Care plan right up the arse of old and poor Americans...

Read: Obama's Health Death Care Plan.

Obama plands to to tax private health care out of existence so that if you are old, poor or sick, you are forced to do your patriotic duty and die if you don't produce revenue for the Obama National Socialist Regime.

Wake up America. The world has seen too many Socialist, Marxist and Fascist authoritarian types already.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cows - The New Enemy To Be Targeted by The Global Warmin Idiots...

OK, we all know that cows fart and burp methane, but now cows are being blamed for "18 percent of the world's greenhouse-gas emissions — more than planes, trains and automobiles combined."


Yeah, and we all die from the terminal shits from eating soy substitutes for milk. Oh, and if you read the article and watch the video, there are 'nutritional benifits' benefits to genetically re-engineering cows to save the world from global warming caused by cow farts and burps. When will this madness end?

Get ready folks - The ObamaChrist Regime will all force us to have 'personal methane reclamation devices' inserted into our anuses to save the planet from global warming, and then send us the bill to pay for it. I say we pipe our farts right into the air passages of all the EnviroNazis out there. Then we put a match to their faces when they exhale and watch them explode.

Now let me tell you what I really think about the Holy Church of the Global Warming worshipers - They need to get a life and leave the ass-end of cows alone.

Better yet - I have a perfect solution for global warming and carbon dioxide emissions and it would cost very little: we take all these global warming idiots and put plastic bags over their heads (to reduce CO2 emissions) and corks up their collective ass (to reduce methane emissions). The best benefit from this program would be the reduction of noise pollution as the result of their mass suffocation. It would add a new dimension to the old adage "silence is golden".

My advice to all the Global Warming idiots out there? They should osculate the posterior of a sneezing cow and have done with it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Maybe We Can Pay The Chinese to Keep The Bastard!

Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans has suddenly found himself and his better half locked up in quarantine by the Chinese government. It seems that the Mayor of New Orleans who so proudly claimed that New Orleans will remain a "Chocolate City" (what a racist schmuck) isn't even allowed to receive phone calls.

I wonder how much we can pay the Chinese to keep this bastard forever?

We can even throw in Pelosi and Obama to sweeten the deal. And Hummer too!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sara Palin Gets it Right! - Obama seeks to own State Governments and Control The People

From Newsmax - Palin: Obama Administration is trying to 'control the people'

My take on Obama and the 'Stimulus' BS is very simple and straight forward. Obama wants to not only reduce the people to penury, but do the same to the states in order to beat the people and the states into submission.

Let's see, nationalize the banks, so the banks are slaves to the states; nationalize the automotive industry and take 65% ownership for the government and the rest to the UAW and screw the stock holders.

Watch Obama try to 'nationalize' Microsoft and seize control of it (that is after he taxes and regulates Microsoft and every other business into bankruptcy) to prevent Microsoft from moving overseas.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This says it all about Obama...

With all the talk about Obama making jackass statements like America is a Muslim Nation floating around the news, I thought it would be nice to show you exactly what I think of Obama.

See Cartoon above.

And don't forget to flush twice - it's a long way to Washington.